
Requirements and compatibility#

buildH requires at least Python 3.6 and needs the following modules:

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • numba

  • MDAnalysis (with support of 2.0)

All the instructions below have been tested on Unix like platforms (e.g. Ubuntu), which we recommend for running buildH. We do not provide support for other platforms, but since buildH has been written in pure Python, it should work there provided its dependencies are supported.

Simple installation#

A simple installation with pip will do the trick:

python3 -m pip install buildh

All dependencies (modules) will be installed automatically by pip.

Note that this way of proceeding will install buildH and its dependencies within the python of your Unix system, which may lead to conflicts of version if you have other scientific packages installed. To avoid this you may want to create a specific conda or virtual environment for buildH (see below).

Installation within a conda environment#

buildH is also available through the Bioconda channel.

We recommend to install buildH within a conda environment. First create a new conda env:

conda create -n buildH "python>=3.6"

Then activate your environment:

conda activate buildH

Last, install buildH within that environment:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda install buildh

Building from source#

We recommend to use a specific environment, either by using venv or conda. All packages will be installed within that environment which avoids conflicts of version.

If you still do not want to create a specific environment for buildH, you can skip the first section Create an environment below.

In any case, the python version should be >= 3.6.

Create an environment#

First, create a new environment (we call it env4buildH):

  • If you chose conda: conda create -n env4buildH python=3.8

  • If you chose venv: python3 -m venv /path/to/env4buildH

Activate your environment:

  • If you chose conda: conda activate env4buildH

  • If you chose venv: source /path/to/env4buildH/bin/activate

Install buildH from source#

Clone the buildH repository:

git clone
cd buildH

Install with pip the packages required by buildH, namely numpy, pandas, MDAnalysis and Numba, which are all specified in the file requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install buildH from source with pip:

pip install -e .

For developers#

For installing a development version from source with the full environment (allowing building the doc, launching tests, etc.), see here.


The tests rely on the pytest package. You need first to install a development version (see above). Once done, you can run the tests with just:

cd buildh # if it's not already the case

All tests should pass. If anything fails, please open an issue.